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Western Isles Care Campus Masterplan

The Masterplan for Goathill on Isle of Lewis developed a strategy for a new Care Campus, with 52 place care home for the frail elderly, 50 place Housing with Extra Care, 74 new affordable houses, and associated road infrastructure and sustainable drainage system. This was undertaken for Western Isles Community Health and Social Care Partnership, comprising Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Lewis Council), NHS Western Isles, and Hebridean Housing Partnership.

The Masterplanning exercise explored the following key aspects:

– Ascertain the suitability of three sites identified – one greenfield, two brownfield- in terms of their size, buildability and service infrastructure requirements;

– Develop suitable scheme layouts based upon initial draft Accommodation Schedules and other outline requirements;

– Provide an estimate of costs for the capital cost of the project phases and cash flow projections;

– Produce a phasing plan for housing for extra care, care home provision and general needs social rented with mix determined as part of the Masterplan exercise; and

– Explore the development /expansion potential of an existing campus on a fourth site which provided care home and supported living accommodation for adults with learning disabilities and complex care needs.

The finalised Masterplan became the basis for the subsequent development of land at Goathill. The plan addressed challenges with sloping topography, tidal groundwater and coastal flooding zones. Public consultation events were held as part of a Pre-application Process, and Planning Permission was obtained for the development as a whole.