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Lincluden Stables Completed for Wheatley

12 July 2022

We were delighted to handover the completed affordable housing development at Lincluden Stables, Dumfries to our client Wheatley Group and Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership.

The site brownfield site containing a derelict Neo-Tudor style Category B Listed stable block located within a Non-Inventory Designed Landscape adjacent to open parkland, community centre and playpark.

This development provided 26 No new-build dwellings and adaptive reuse of the stable providing a further 6 No dwellings.

The location of the former stable block was the significant feature and opportunity to the site and influenced the design concept. The historic path network of Lincluden Gardens was referenced when developing the design concept for the site layout and to determine the urban pattern for the new housing.

The proposal was based on forming a landscaped ‘boulevard’ shared surface access route leading up to the stable frontage reinstating this historic approach to give a clear view. Two courtyard clusters based on a historic built form that also reflect the courtyard arrangement of the former stable building are proposed to the western half of the development.

The development was designed to be permeable, integrating and connecting the development to the existing settlement and wider open spaces. The development provided soft landscaping which enhanced the transition between the open parkland and residential development and defined the hierarchy of open space through the site.

This approach allowed a coherent, interesting, and welcoming development which respected the setting of the listed building and historic garden.