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Orkney Historic Buildings

We were engaged by Orkney Island Council to carry out a series of fabric condition surveys for six listed buildings in Orkney. These included Stromness Town Hall & Town House (Cat C), Kirkwall Town Hall (Cat B), Orkney Museum (Cat A), Former East Kirk (Cat B), Former Grammar School (Cat B).

We carried out detailed high-level crane and basket surveys of all properties and undertook a review of all information which included specialist stone analysis and petrography.

Our reports included prioritised recommendations for repair in line with BS 7913:2013 and were costed by the Quantity Surveyor. This allowed OIC to budget and prioritise a repair programme for all buildings.

We were subsequently engaged by OIC to develop schemes of repair for each building, and obtain the necessary consents including Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent and Building Warrant.We worked with conservation specialists including Rainbow Glass Studio, Scottish Lime Centre Trust and the British Geological Survey. We also oversaw intrusive investigations which informed the repair strategy for each building.

Many of the buildings were suffering from surface deterioration of stonework caused by previous inappropriate treatments of waterproofing agents & consolidants as well as cement mortar pointing. There was also a notable difference in permeability between the softer ashlar dressings and the principal walling stone. Large areas of stonework were degrading and posing a risk to the general public.

The repair works at Stromness Town Hall are now complete and we were able to reverse the damage caused by inappropriate repairs and stonework consolidants. The building is back in use for the enjoyment of the local community.

Our repair proposals for all properties contained a high level of detail and were appropriately specified to ensure the works were accurately costed and subsequently carried out to a very high quality.

The level of detail is appreciated, and it is reassuring to see an appropriately sensitive approach to the proposed works.

Dean Campbell – Orkney Island Council Planning Officer