Goathill Care Campus Completed
21 July 2023
The Goathill development has been completed for a multi-partner agency bringing together Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Lewis Council), Western Isles Integrated Joint Board, and Hebridean Housing Partnership.
It has created a dementia-friendly “care campus” which includes a 52 place Care Home named Taigh Shìphoirt (Seaforth House), Bremner Court which accommodates 50 Housing with Extra Care flats, 74 houses for Hebridean Housing Partnership, and shared care services including Community Mental Health Team, Specialist Dementia Nurses, Occupational Therapy, and the START Short Term Assessment and Reablement Team. The Care Home also provides the Community Alarm Centre and a Daycare centre for Solas (Alzheimer Scotland).
Taigh Shìphoirt accommodates 52 residents with dementia. A key strategy was planning for small group living, with 13 residents in 4 individual clusters, arranged around safe courtyard spaces. This maximises daylight and provides human scale and a homely environment.
Routes to the clusters are arranged around a central garden, assisting orientation for people moving through the building. The garden also adjoins the Daycare facility and Training suite. External finishes are durable including the use of local Gneiss stone from Harris quarry.