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Hallmeadow Annan

This development lies to the south of the historic market town of Annan and provides 130 new build affordable houses with a mixture of 1 and 2 storey detached, semi-detached and terraced units reflecting the low scale of the surrounding area.

The mix of houses is specifically developed to suit the needs and demands of the housing market area comprising 2 bedroom amenity bungalows, dedicated wheelchair houses/ bungalows and general needs 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses.

Designed with a focus on people, not vehicles, the layout incorporates the principles of ‘Designing Streets and Creating Places’ resulting in a well-connected safe and distinctive development with improved access and permeability for all residents.

The integrated pocket parks, amenity and landscaped areas make up a network of green spaces and landscaped walks with wider connections to the local area. The overall result is a well-integrated, permeable development which is centred around a landscaped heart.

There is improved biodiversity, with an attractive SuDS feature, structured landscape buffers, long wildlife hedgerows and tree lined avenues. Plant selection was carefully considered to enhance biodiversity, particularly for pollinators and bats.

The design fully complies with Housing for Varying Needs, Scottish Housing Quality Standard, National Road Development Guidance, Designing Streets / Creating Places and Secured by Design – Gold Level Accreditation.

The project delivers on the vision to meet the demands for quality affordable housing in Annan and, in addition to our role as Architect and lead consultant, we provided specialist Urban Designer/ Masterplanning services to develop an overall Masterplan for the allocated housing site. This Masterplan was adopted by the Local Authority as Supplementary Planning Guidance as a framework for delivering housing in the local area.

Dwellings were designed to achieve Silver Active Level of Sustainability in respect of reduced carbon dioxide emissions, resource use, flexibility, adaptability, and occupant well-being.

These are needed houses because of the lack of social housing that we have in Dumfries and Galloway. Their energy efficiency is absolutely brilliant, and it saves money so that parents can spend money on their kids and clothes and food.

Local Councillor Archie Dryburgh