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Lockerbie Mini Masterplan

This mini-masterplan project was undertaken to appraise and develop a strategic vision for the redevelopment and regeneration of a former school site, a brownfield location within Lockerbie, into a sustainable and well-integrated affordable housing development. The mini masterplan aimed to create a high-quality residential development that aligned with contemporary urban design principles while promoting a strong sense of place and community.

The layout was carefully designed to promote walkability, encourage active travel, and establish a coherent streetscape. The hierarchy of streets, shared surfaces, and landscaped routes was informed by ‘Designing Streets’ and ‘Creating Places’ guidance to ensure safe, accessible, and attractive spaces.

The masterplan prioritised the creation of a distinctive and vibrant neighbourhood, with a mix of housing types and a well-defined public realm to foster a sense of community. Key focal points, such as a central square and green spaces, were integrated to support social interaction and wellbeing.

The principles of Secured by Design were embedded into the masterplan, ensuring natural surveillance, defensible space, and well-lit pedestrian routes to enhance safety and security for residents.
The site was designed to strengthen links within the local context, facilitating pedestrian and cycle connections to the adjacent school and community hub building, as well as wider town amenities. Permeability within the development was maximised to encourage movement and interaction.

The masterplan proposed a variety of house types to cater to different household needs, including 2-bed, 3-bed, and 4-bed general needs houses, flatted dwellings for smaller households and elderly amenity bungalows to accommodate elderly residents. This diverse mix ensured an inclusive and adaptable residential community.

Sustainability was a key driver in the design approach, incorporating Passive House Design principles to minimise operational energy demand and improve comfort levels, a SuDS strategy was developed to manage surface water effectively and incorporation of renewable technologies such as solar PV panels, air-source heat pumps, was assessed to support the transition to net zero housing.

The masterplan placed strong emphasis on high-quality public realm and green infrastructure, including:

  • Public Art & Gateway Features: Integration of local artwork and bespoke entrance markers to reinforce identity and character.
  • Landscaping Strategy: The planting scheme incorporated native species, fruit trees, and biodiversity enhancements to create a green and attractive setting.
  • Public Spaces & Amenities: A central square, seating areas, and pedestrian-friendly spaces were provided to encourage community interaction and outdoor activities.

The mini masterplan successfully set out a clear vision for the site’s redevelopment, balancing the provision of much-needed affordable housing with placemaking, sustainability, and community integration.