Springholm Affordable Housing Development Ready for Site Start
28 March 2023
We were delighted Grant of Planning Permission and Building Warrant Approval was recently received for our affordable housing development in Springholm, Dumfries and Galloway for Wheatley Group .
The development will provide 47 affordable homes in total, with the designs based on Designing Streets principles.
A new linear publicly useable open space creates a link though the development site north-south to the existing protected open spaces and provides an attractive space incorporating incidental play features along the pedestrian links.
This open space is intended to be publicly useable and provides pedestrian links through the development site and to surrounding context whilst providing carefully planned and designed tree and planting features.
The proposed development provides a mixture of single and two-storey semi-detached with a good mix of housing catering for a variety of types including general needs and amenity.
The development will be gas-free with each home heated by an air source heat pump.
Works are due to commence on site soon.